Nature trails

Walking trail "Ąžuolas"

It is the first educational walking trail established in a private forestland in Lithuania. The educational walking trail is 2 km long. 12 informational stands are displayed there. It will take 1.5 hour to visit all objects of interest in the walking trail.

Coordinates of WGS 55.648 - 25.958, Gražutė Regional Park, Zarasai region.

From Utena or Zarasai go until you reach Daugailiai. In the crossroad of Daugailiai take the direction of Antalieptė. After crossing the bridge over Šventoji, turn right to Antalieptė. The walking trail is easily found by following wooden signs that will direct you to the trail. These signs are placed at every intersection of the road. During wintertime around 2.5 km of the road to the educational walking trail is not cleaned.

Educational walking trail of Žingiai forest

The length of educational walking trail – 1.5 km. 11 informational stands can be found in the trail. Visiting all the objects will take 1.5 hour of your time.

WGS coordinates 55.010 - 25.577, in Asveja Regional Park, Vilnius region.

From Vilnius take the direction of Pabradė until you reach a crossroad of Sužonys and Dainava. Then turn left and go until you reach Danilava. There’s a sign to the Žingiai educational walking trail in the city of Danilava. The trail can be reached by car even during snowy winter.

Make sure that your footwear and clothing is suitable for forest trips.

Location of the walking trails

Nature trails on bigger map