Implemented projects

Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands (NELEAP) LIFE Project No. LIFE05NAT/LT/000094 (2005 - 2009) (2005 - 2009) More »
Project manager: Nerijus Zableckis (

Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands, is a LIFE-Nature co-financed project in 2005 to 2009, coordinated by Lithuanian Fund for Nature. The project objective is to ensure a favorable conservation status of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in Germany, Poland and Lithuania. The project also foresees to ensure a favorable conservation status for the European fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina and the Great crested newt Triturus cristatus in the areas where they occur together with Emys orbicularis. In past decades these species became rare and threatened as suitable habitats and sites have been destroyed through intensive agriculture activities and lack of appropriate site management.

The main actions of the project:

1. Pond restoration and digging

2. Improvement and creation of nesting areas for turtles

3. Creating hibernation sites for turtles and amphibians

4. Installing a sustainable grazing regime with a hardy grazers

5. Removal of unwanted vegetation

6. Rearing of turtles

7. Management of foraging habitats

8. Education of local community

The project is established as an experience exchange network about habitat- and population management measures between different countries for Pond turtle and amphibians conservation: pond digging, managing landscapes with grazing, supportive breeding, rearing on populations, education of local society and prepare best management practice.

The European Commission (EC) has agreed to contribute 49.5 % of the total project cost and the remaining 50.5% is matched partner and co-financier funding from Lithuania, Poland and Germany. Project partners: Zuvintas biosphere reserve, Meteliai regional park, Veisiejai regional park (Lithuania), Pólnocnopodlaskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków (PTOP), Bialowieza National Park, Klub Przyrodników (Poland), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Natur- und Artenschutz e.V (Agena e.V.), Landschaftsförderverein (LFV) Oberes Rhinluch e.V., Georg-August University Goettingen (Germany).