Implemented projects

Black Stork protection (2005 - 2006)

Black Stork is a typical forest bird distinguished for the exceptional requirements to the breeding habitat. Birds of this species build nests in old large trees and select for breeding mature and overmature, i. e. of the felling age stands. Destruction of old forest stands, drainage and disturbance caused by fellings are the main causes of Black Stork decline and increasing risk of extinction. Considering that Black Stork is included in the Red Data Book of Lithuania and many other European countries and in the Annex I of EU Birds Directive. Special Protected Areas are designated to achieve conservation of this species in the territory of EU. However protected areas can not ensure conservation of Black Stork, which needs large breeding habitats. Even large protected areas covering thousands of hectares can provide proper protection for just several breeding pairs. Therefore it is very important to ensure protection of Black Stork nests and their breeding habitats located outside protected areas. It is especially needed now, as forest fellings have increased two fold in Lithuania over last 15 years.




- To monitor status of Black Stork population in Lithuania;

- To ensure proper protection of Black Stork nests in state and private forests.

Partners and Supporters:
UAB Stora Enso Miškas