Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands (LIFE05NAT/LT/000094)

Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands

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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Natur- und Artenschutz e.V (Agena e.V.)

Agena (Working pool for conservation of nature and species) is a NGO who develop and participate in a state-wide protection programme for Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, Lacerta viridis, Vipera berus, and Coronella austriaca. It carry out projects for the management of resting sites for crane and geese species, projects for state water management, water retention and formation of wetlands, amphibian and reptile protection in the Brandenburg state, e.g. regeneration of aquatic and terrestrial habitats for amphibians and reptiles (revitalisation of wasters, creation of terrestrial habitats), protection of amphibians along roads, creation of expert opinions, planning of stationary set up for protection, efficiency checks on protection set ups, and participate in the planning of nature reserves and landscape development.

Mailing address

Nauener Str. 68

16833 Linum


Contact person

Mrs.Heidrun Beckmann, project manager

Fax: +493392290254

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Landschaftsförderverein (LFV) Oberes Rhinluch e.V.

It is a NGO who care and develop of a close-to-natural wet biotope (2 ha large lake) = aquatic reproductive habitat for amphibians, notably Bombina bombina, Pelobates fuscus, and manage the largest inland roosting site of Grus grus in all of central Europe: population recording/monitoring, cooperation with farmers (conferring on cultivation plans, protection of newly-sown crops), direction of visitors.

Mailing address


Contact person

Mr.Torsten Seeger, project manager

Phone: +493305522099

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Georg-August-University of Goettingen (GAUG)

Top-quality research, a strong emphasis on research-based teaching, and a diverse and future orientated program of studies – these are the attributes which characterize the University of Goettingen. As an internationally renowned research university, the Georgia Augusta profits from its traditional strength: Practically every scientific discipline including medicine – with the exception of engineering – is represented in the 13 Departments of the Faculty of Science. Interdisciplinary cooperation is based on long years of experience in interdisciplinary research and study centres.

Mailing address

Von-Siebold-Straße 2

37075 Göttingen


Contact person

dr.Martina Meeske

Phone: +49551399282

Fax: +49551399234

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