Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands (LIFE05NAT/LT/000094)

Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands
Expected results

More than 50% of the E. orbicularis populations and more than 90% of the individuals in the north European lowlands will benefit from active protection in this project. Active protection measures for B. bombina and T. cristatus and high diversity of other amphibian species will be demonstrated. This project will establish an experience exchange network about habitat and population management measures between the partners, e.g. turtle conservation, pond digging, managing landscapes with year-round grazing, supportive breeding and rearing on populations. These actions have already been tested in the partner countries in several variations and could be evaluated and used as a best practise for small populations in the project areas in the north European region. In general we expect that this project will serve as a great step towards the goal of safeguarding all surviving genetic lines of Emys orbicularis at their northern border, and will show different demonstration sites of various herpetological management methods, and thus the project will provide several models that demonstrate management methods for sites of herpetological interest.